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Progress Report: August 2024

Monthly Progress Report: August 2024

Letter of Commendation

Government Old Age Home managed by Tara Sansthan Udaipur

14th President of India, Mr. Ram Nath Kovind, Arrived as the Chief Guest.

On the 13th Foundation day of Anand Old Age Home, the 14th President of India, Mr. Ram Nath Kovind, Arrived as the Chief Guest
On 8th April 2024, on the 13th foundation day of Anand Old Age Home, former (14th) President of India, Mr. Ram Nath Kovind, came as the chief guest with his family at the function organized by Tara Sansthan udaipur at Ma Draupadi Devi Anand Vrudhashram Udaipur. He saw many presentations and praised the service  being done by the Sansthan for senior citizens.

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On January 9, 2024, during his visit to Udaipur, Rajasthan Chief Minister Shri Bhajan Lal Sharma was welcomed and honored by Tara Sansthan.

Special News-1

The 14th President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind gave assurance to visit the old age homes of Tara Sansthan, Udaipur.


State Level Award to Tara Sansthan

On 1st October 2023, Tara Sansthan, Udaipur was honoured by Government of Rajasthan Department of Social Justice and Empowerment with an award and citation for notable work in the field of elderly welfare, social, cultural, art and literature in the state level Vruddh Jan Samman Samaroh held in Alwar (Raj.) on the occasion of International Day of the Elderly-2023.

Tara Sansthan Founder & President Smt Kalpana Goyal Honoured with “Indira Mahila Shakti Protsahan and Samman Puraskar 2023”

तारा संस्थान की संस्थापक एवं अध्यक्ष श्रीमती कल्पना गोयल को "इंदिरा महिला शक्ति प्रोत्साहन एवं सम्मान पुरस्कार 2023" से सम्मानित किया गया। जिला प्रशासन एवं महिला अधिकारिता, महिला एवं बाल विकास विभाग के तत्वावधान में आरएनटी सभागार में अंतरराष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस 2023 का आयोजन हुआ।कार्यक्रम में जिला कलक्टर ताराचंद मीणा, अतिरिक्त संभागीय आयुक्त अंजलि राजोरिया, जिला परिषद सीईओ मयंक मनीष, जिला विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण सचिव कुलदीप शर्मा, राजस्थान समाज कल्याण बोर्ड की सदस्य डॉ. दिव्यानी कटारा एवं पदाधिकारियों सहित 400 महिलाओं ने भाग लिया।कार्यक्रम में श्रीमती कल्पना गोयल को इन्दिरा महिला शक्ति प्रोत्साहन एवं सम्मान पुरस्कार 2023 से सम्मानित किया गया।

Tara Sansthan in Kashi: The Land of BABA VISHWANATH

Mumukshu Bhawan, Varanasi : God Shows Another New Way to Serve.

"Kashyam Maranam Mukti" It is believed that among the major pilgrimage centers of India, only Kashi has the right to grant salvation ( Moksha ) because it is said that Lord Shiva recites the Taraka Mantra in the ears of the dead body. Due to this belief, many people wish to spend their last time in Kashi and leave their bodies. That is why the cremation of dead bodies is also done at many Ghats of Kashi like Manikarnika Ghat and Harishchandra Ghat.

Inauguration: Ma Drauapdai Devi Anand Vruddhashram

तारा संस्थान, उदयपुर द्वारा एक अन्य वृहद वृद्धाश्रम “माँ द्रौपदी देवी आनंद वृद्धाश्रम” का उदघाटन किया गया|
तारा संस्थान , उदयपुर की ओर से हिरण मगरी , सेक्टर 14 में वृद्धजनों के आवास के लिए एक अन्य वृहद वृद्धाश्रम “माँ द्रौपदी देवी आनंद वृद्धाश्रम” का उदघाटन किया गया| जिसमें लगभग 150 वृद्धजनों को सर्व सुविधायुक्त निःशुल्क आवास उपलब्ध रहेंगे । उद्घाटन आज शनिवार दि. 3 सितम्बर 2022 को नारायण सेवा संस्थान के संस्थापक डॉ . कैलाश मानव, उनकी सहधर्मिणी कमला देवी अग्रवाल, आदरणीय श्री जे. पी. शर्मा साब, ( समाजसेवी व शिक्षाविद, दिल्ली ), श्री सत्यभूषण जैन ( समाजसेवी - दिल्ली) श्री प्रदीप शर्मा (दिली), श्रीमती नीरू शर्मा ( दिल्ली), श्री ओ. सी. जैन ( रतलाम), श्री राम स्वरुप गुप्ता, श्रीमती प्रेम निझावन ( दिल्ली ), श्री के . के . गुप्ता सा ( उदयपुर ), श्री विजय भाटिया ( मुम्बई ), श्रीमती रानी जी डुलानी (मुम्बई), श्री प्रताप सिंह तलेसरा ( उदयपुर ), श्री राजेंद्र कुमार जैन ( दिल्ली) व श्री सुरेश चन्द्र अग्रवाल ( उदयपुर ) के सान्निध्य में सम्पन्न हुआ। साथ ही साथ देश भर से पधारे लगभग 500 भामाशाह व अतिथि मौजूद थे|

Tara Sansthan Udaipur Honoured at the District Level

Tara Sansthan Udaipur Honoured at the District Level

Shri Deepesh Mittal ( Founder & Secretary-Tara Sanstahn) receiving district level honor at the hands of Hon'ble Minister Mr. Pratap Singh Khachariawas on the occasion of 76th Independence Day Celebration 2022

11 Years of Service Completed

11 Years of Service Completed

Tara Sansthan Completes 10 Years of Service

Tara Sansthan Completes 10 Years of Service




Senior ophthalmologist Dr. Leena Dave of Tara Netralaya, Udaipur was felicitated by Tara Family today for achieving a milestone of 10,000 (Ten Thousand) Cataract Eye Operations during her tenure at Tara Netralaya, Udaipur. 
Present on this occasion were Tara Sansthan's Founder & President Smt. Kalpana Goyal, CEO Shri Deepesh Mittal, Dr. G. L. Kumawat, D. Subodh Saraf, and Dr. Swati Jain as well as the whole medical staff of the Tara Netralaya, Udaipur.



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