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Tara Family


Dr. Kailash "Manav"

My dear daughter Kalpana Goyal—who has been helping me in all my service endeavours since childhood through Narayan Sewa Sansthan (Trust)—has founded TARA SANSTHAN with a resolve to give independent shape and identity to her sentiments of service to the poor and young widows (through GauriYojana), support less aged people (through Trupti Yojana), education to widows’ children ( through Shikhar Bhargava Public School), educating rag-picking slum kids ( through Masti Ki Pathashala) Sheltering Aged and Abandoned (through Anand Vruddhashrams), providing eye care to the needy and rural people with special focus on free operations of those suffering from impairment of vision due to CATARACT in eyes.

I extend my blessings and heartiest wishes to TARA SANSTHAN with prayers to the God that may TARA SANSTHAN achieve many a mile-stones in the field of service to the suffering humanity.

I appeal to all kind-hearted, service-minded people to support the service endeavours of TARA SANSTHAN with generous donations.

Dr. Kailash "Manav"
Founder and Managing Trustee
Narayan Sewa Sansthan (Trust), Udaipur

Message From

Dr. Kailash "Manav"

I happened to know Smt. Kalpana Goyal and Shri Deepesh Mittal during the period of construction of a hospital at Narayan Seva Sansthan. Later, at the inauguration of the hospital we had a lot of interaction

Afterwards, right from the inception of the Tara Sansthan, we have been in close contact and they requested me to be the Chief Patron of Tara Sansthan which I happily accepted. Ever since then, I have been the witness of Tara Sanasthan's humanitarian activities from close quarters: The activities such as Tara Netralayas, Anand Vruddhashrams, Gauri Scheme and Trupti Scheme, Shikhar Bhargava Public School and Masti Ki Pathashala that have brought huge relief to the poor, needy and downtrodden class of the rural areas. Tara Netralayas in Udaipur, Delhi, Mumbai, Faridabad and Ratlam and Loni are doing great work in terms of bringing the vision back of the many poor people through cataract operation.

I myself have sponsored two big camps held in Kasganj where approximately 400 people were selected for operations. Also I have visited Tara sansthan Udaipur many times and on one occasion, upon learning of the pitiable condition of the young widows and their children, I felt that there should be some way to provide those children quality and free education. So, that is how the idea of Shikhar Bhargava Public School was born. I am glad that the School is doing well and have many widows' children are studying there.

Looking back, I feel very satisfied knowing that within a short span of time, Tara Sansthan has been able to bring great deal of relief to thousands of people. I am fortunate that as a chief Patron of Tara Sansthan, I could offer my small contribution to the suffering humanity.

As ever, I wish them all the best in their endeavours to help hundreds of thousands more people in the future

Shri N. P. Bhargava
Chief Patron, Tara Sansthan
Industrialist & Philanthropist - New Delhi

Message From

Dr. Kailash "Manav"

I have been with Tara Sansthan for quite a few years. I was there at the opening of the Tara Netralaya, Udaipur & Delhi as well as Anand Vruddhashram. Tara Sansthan has been doing great job of providing a respectable shelter to old and abandoned people. Besides the 6 Tara Netralayas (Eye Hospitals), the schemes to provide ration to poor old villagers as well as pension to widows, also schools for theirs and slum dwellers’ kids have certainly brought much succour to those helpless people. My wife and I attended some camps organized by Tara Netralaya, Delhi and felt good that the Sansthan is doing such appreciable humanitarian work. Tara Sansthan is like a family to us and we both are proud members of it

We both extend our good wishes and hope that Tara Sansthan will continue to provide relief to the Poor, the Old and the Needy of the society through their efforts

Shri Ramesh Sachdeva
Chief Patron, Tara Sansthan
Industrialist &l; Philanthropist - New Delhi

Message From

Dr. Kailash "Manav"

I first got involved with Tara sansthan when my mother-in-law sponsored an eye camp. Afterwards.I attended inauguration of Delhi Hospital—Tara Netralaya, Delhi. The Sansthan has been regularly organizing Eye Camps through its all six hospitals. Until now they have held thousands of camps in and around Delhi---many of which I have personally attended.

Surely, I must admit that I get energized by involving myself with the humanitarian activities of Tara. While as a Patron of the Sansthan, I have association with Tara, the reputed humanitarian welfare organizations such as OKAYA Foundation, Ponty Chadha Foundation, and International Vaishya Federation

Modestly speaking, the eye Camps conducted by Udaipur, Delhi and Mumbai recently opened Faridabad, Ratlam and Loni have benefitted, throughout India, Lakhs of patients; not to mention restoring visions of thousands others, through Eye Cataract Operations

I'm quite proud and fortunate to be associated with Tara and emphasize that to continue such humanitarian efforts; we will need many more co-operative minds and organizations. I wish Tara all the best for putting up such an impressive record of serving the people.

Shri Satya Bhushan Jain
Patron-Tara Sansthan
Prominent Philanthropist - New Delhi 

Message From

Shri JP Sharma

I have been in contact with Tara Sansthan Udaipur for over 2 years now and I am pleased that in the fond memory of Pt. Munshi Lal—Draupadi Devi Free Eye Hospital in Loni ( Gaziabad) project has been executed successfully and being managed so efficiently by the Sansthan. It is my dream fulfilled.

I am sure that Loni, being a backward area, will benefit greatly from the welfare activities of Tara Sansthan. Kalpana Goyal and Deepesh Mittal are like my children and so far I am highly satisfied with their work and hope that they will continue to do the great job in the future as well. My blessings!

Shri J. P. Sharma
Educationist & Philanthropist - Delhi

Message From

Kalpana Goyal

Starting Tara Netralaya and More

I have been a direct witness to the heart-rending misery and sufferings of the poor, aged and the disabled people. This happened on  account  of my  privileged  close  association with  the  service activities of Narayan Sewa Sansthan, ever since its inception, which included collection of a handful of flour from door to door for feeding the attendants of poor patients admitted in city Hospital. My  heart  has melted,  numerous  times,  upon seeing men, women  and children  in pitiable conditions  because of  the disability and poverty.

How it all started: Well, Shri Jamana Baa Lohar is a known face to me, always smiling and cheerful with hands folded in respectful greeting. As he too is serving the mankind through Narayan Sewa for the last 18-20 years. One day I heard that he had received some injury and went to see him. ShriJamana Baa had hit his own finger with the blow of hammer.  I learnt that his vision was impaired on account of CATARACT in his eyes. I suggested to him to get the cataract operated as early as possible. Unable to control the tears of his pitiable and miserable condition, Shri Jamana Baa replied that he had been trying for the last 4-5 years, to get the cataract operated but was not able to arrange sufficient money needed for the operation, and that he has now given - up all hopes. This reply made me very sad and pathetic

I enquired about the likely expenditure on a cataract operation and discussed this with friends and fellows and finally succeeded in collecting Rs. 8000/- by way of contribution. I gave this amount to Sh. Jamana Baa and requested him to get his cataract operated. It was a pleasant surprise to see Jamana Baa approaching us after about 20-25 days with familiar smile on his face and a bright expression of gratefulness and thankfulness. This gave us a sense of fulfilment and accomplishment

There are many such people who suffer from cataract in old age, despite being easy, simple and not very costly, majority of them find treatment of cataract unaffordable due to poverty. The successful cataract operation of Shri Jamana Baa provided us with the vision that with small efforts and little amount, people having impaired vision can be restored with normal eye-sight after successful operation of cataract. After exhaustive deliberation on all aspects of free operation of cataract, we decided to work upon the idea further and have taken up the initiative to facilitate CATARACT OPERATION of the poor, helpless, aged and the disabled people FREE OF COST.

To accomplish this resolve we formed — "TARA SANSTHAN"

Since then we have ventured into many other humanitarian projects such as Gauri Yojana, Trupti Yojana, Shikhar Bhargava Public School, Masti Ki Pathashala for slum kids and Anand Vruddhashrams (the Old Age Homes)—all spread across many cities. And the story continues…

Mrs. Kalpana Goyal
Founder & President

Message From

Dr. Kailash "Manav"

After a long experience with Narayan SevaSansthan, at present our endeavour at Tara Sansthan has always been that the benefits of our various humanitarian projects reach as many people as possible--

and we have been successful in this endeavour to a great extent. This is felt when we see the pile of sticks lying in Tara Netralaya – these are the same sticks that cataract patients used to take support and walk but now after successful operation at our place, they do not need them.

While working for the help of the elderly, I learnt that this is a big section of the society which needs help. People may consider cataract as a common disease but it means a lot to the elderly who is suffering from it and who do not have any idea about its treatment nor capable due to poverty. When they get free treatment here, it is as if they have got a new life.

Another successful project of ours is “AnandVruddhashram” which provides shelter to those people who have had a wonderful past but now their condition is such that if they were not here, they would have either left this world before time or would be living on the streets. But now it is very soothing to see them living here happily with all the facilities.

Similarly, “GauriYojna” for widowed women and “TriptiYojna” for the elderly, or free education of the children of widows under “ShikharBhargava Public School”, seeing the good of all human beings through all these works gives a feeling of satisfaction.

On top of that, when you get appreciation from donors, then it is inevitable to feel proud!

Mr. Deepesh Mittal
Founder & Secretary

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