Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used.
Tara Sansthan is grateful for the donations that help us continue our valuable work. It is very important to us that your personal information remains secure. When you donate to Tara Sansthan online, your credit card information is secured by a reputable Bank (Axis Bank). Also, your credit card number is used only for that particular transaction and is not stored.
You will see the “closed” lock symbol in the lower part of your browser screen (often times it is yellow as well) when you are on our secure donation pages. You will also notice in your website address bar that the domain name starts with an “https” on those donation pages. This means that information entered on those pages is encrypted for your security. This actually makes it more secure than using a credit card in physical form at a store for example. If you have any questions regarding the security of your credit card donation online, please contact us at
Our website does not collect or use your domain name (IP address). We do not collect individual information about you or your personal use of this site.
A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Some websites uses cookies to collect detailed personal user information. Tara Society does not use cookies to collect any personal information from your computer.
Our website does not automatically recognize your e-mail address. We ask for your e-mail address on a number of pages within our site.
Tara Society will not sell or trade donor’s information with any organization, nor will Tara Society send mailings on behalf of other organizations. You are not required to provide any personal information on our website unless you choose to do so. We do ask for personal information on our online donation pages to properly enable donation transaction processing. We use this information to acknowledge receipt of your donation, which is also required for tax rebate purposes. If you give a gift to Tara Sansthan, your name and address will be placed on our mailing list. If you are making a donation in honor of or in memory of someone, we will not use their personal information for any purpose other than sending the acknowledgement card.
To correct or change your contact information, please contact: